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- Branches 10
- develop default protected
- feature/24978-suscripcion-mensual-fix
- feature/33815-config-ini-env
- feature/42158-tipos-doc-g3-planilla-offline
- feature/44996-pasar-comprobantes-arai-reportes
- feature/45479-proceso-enviar_mails
- feature/45791-error-generar-cuotas
- feature/feature/45799-cargar-ventas-offline-encabezado-y-xls
- master protected
- sq-academico-2.2.4
- Tags 20
- 1.4.17
- 1.4.16
- 1.4.15
- 1.4.14
- 1.4.13
- 1.3.21
- 1.4.12
- 1.4.11
- 1.3.20
- 1.3.19
- 1.4.10
- 1.4.9
- 1.3.18
- 1.3.17
- 1.4.8
- 1.4.7
- 1.3.16
- 1.4.6
- 1.3.15
- 1.4.5
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